downtown boston alliance

making winter cool

warming up downtown

Let’s face it—lots of people can’t wait for winter in Boston to be over, but the Downtown Boston Alliance (formerly the Business Improvement District) envisioned a public art exhibit to get more people to enjoy everything the area has to offer. The first step was to answer the question: What do you call an interactive art exhibition that activates Downtown Boston in the winter? We named it “Winteractive,” created the branding, and designed all assets to let folks know what’s going on and where to find it.

what the ?

For two years running, Winteractive has activated downtown Boston with fun and engaging artworks that range from giant clown heads, a car crushed by a mysterious UFO, oversized pink characters, a 55-foot whale, interactive installations that light up when you dance, and more.

digital tour guide

The website begins with an intro video giving viewers a preview of the Winteractive experience, filled with dynamic and playful artworks they can expect to find. Next, a grid of images provides an overview of all the artworks in the exhibition.

As you scroll through the website, an interactive map that highlights the location of each piece is paired with additional information and photography.

from the street to the screen

To attract visitors from near and far, we developed a range of promotions to reach audiences online and on the street. We created video reels for social media that encapsulate the excitement of the Winteractive experience in a highly shareable format.

Throughout downtown Boston, informational signage at each artwork gives more details about the exhibit and each individual piece, as well as provides a map to guide visitors to the locations.

Winteractive physical signage at artwork location

And around the city, digital advertisements on ground-level screens and large-scale billboards promote the installations.

Thank you Downtown Boston Alliance for bringing art to the city! Find out more about this season’s exhibition at and see it for yourself.

project credits